Body Telling with Felipe Ortiz

Body Telling with Felipe Ortiz


18 MAR 2023

with Felipe Ortiz


Develop your deep listening, open your senses, explore the space, and connect!

Saturday 18 March


Rue de la Tulipe 54, 1050 Brussels


sold out
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As improvisers, our main tool is our body. Are we aware of all the things our body says with a little movement, with a little tension, with a breath?   

Are we aware of how music changes our emotional state? Through this workshop you can develop different ways of connecting with your partners, with sound and music — and most importantly — with the audience.

Develop your deep listening, open your senses, explore the space, and connect!


About Felipe Ortiz

Performer, director and teacher interested in exchanging, interacting, playing and sharing experiences with different artists around the world. He´s passionate about the body in movement and its possibilities, that´s why he explores it through acrobatics, improvisation, clowning, physical theater and object manipulation to create new forms of expression in performing arts.

 As a performer he´s been touring around the world since 2003, with different projects in festivals, companies, and collaborating with artists in these areas. He´s a well known in the international scene as an impro, physical theater and clown teacher. Currently working as a clown, acrobatics and impro teacher at the Javeriana University in Bogota. 

He´s being the artistic director of La Gata Cirko (new circus) for 19 years and has directed and codirected shows in different formats like: the opening ceremony of the world games in Cali and the closing ceremony of the Football FIFA world cup sub-20 in Bogota, and all the shows from the company.  Recently he became a pilates instructor with the ¨ Physical Mind Institute ¨ and has been studying the last months with the Ido Portal´s online movement training program.

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